On Sun, 2003-09-07 15:12:32 -0400, Christian T. Steigies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 08:26:19PM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> > On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> > > On Sun, 2003-09-07 13:14:53 -0400, Christian T. Steigies <[EMAIL 
> > > wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Geert volunteered to build me a kernel and I'll have a try with that.
> > > Unfortunately, I've not yet a m68k-linux cross-toolchain, so I can't do
> > > it myself right now.
> > 
> > apt-get source toolchain-source and friends :-)
> Only that the current version does not build... at least last time I tried
> (couple of months ago).

Not only that. Sometimes, I've seen problems with userspace/kernelspace
headers. It's, after all, really not that trivial to get a

> > > Well, where can I get more RAM? Ebay? I'll have a look (I know that
> > > Linux with a lot of swapping isn't much fun, though...).
> > 
> > You need ZIPs for A3000. And the motherboard is still limited to 16 MB.
> ZIP, yikes, not sure if I have some of those somewhere. If you need the
> regular 32MB PS2 SIMMs (the only way to get 128 on an Amiga), I ordered them
> (and the mem for a couple of the debian/m68k machines) at 18004memory.com.
> Very good prices and no problems with the mem. Try pricewatch.com for more
> dealers. I just ordered SODIMMs at memoryx.com, they have good prices, but I
> haven't received them yet. I do have a bunch of 8MB PS2 FPM(?) modules from
> the Quadra upgrade, if they could help you (and I'll be in germany in two
> weeks).

Oerks... I'd first look into the box to see what sockets I find there...
Okay, there are no PS2-style sockets. I found some vertically standing
RAM chips (I don't know their name) near the CPU card (this is an Amiga
3000 T) and some ICs that on the CPU board itself.

The sockets on the mobo itself seem to be all filled. (I remember I've
ripped off some kind of RAM card out of an A2000. It this compatible?)

I'm, after all, really new to the Amiga world. I'd maybe look what
options I do have at all to add RAM to my A3000-T.

Wrt. your Germany visit... Are you at the Developer's meeting on
Oldenburg? I'm also going to go there:)

> > > Of course:) Would you offer to do a test for me? I don't want to ruin
> > > your uptime, but if you're booting your box the next time, could you
> > > please add 'mem=9M' (or rip it off if m68k doesn't handle this) to see
> > > if the box is stable while going deeply into swap (start a gcc-3.3 or an
> > > apt-get update). 9MB should be what's remaining after initrd got
> > > decompressed. I'm really interested in the result here...
> No, sorry, I do not reboot unless a poweroutage lasts longer than my UPS can
> handle. This is a buildd. Maybe next year, when the machine is back in
> germany.

:-) That's 100% okay. Until that, I'll try to get more information on
Amigas and specifically on my 3000T...

Thanks a lot!!!


   Jan-Benedict Glaw       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    . +49-172-7608481
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    fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! |   im Irak!
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