Only support for two amigastyle-floppydrives in debian? Somewhere in the setup of [EMAIL PROTECTED] the following is missing, which doesn't break anything but isn't as convenient as it could be. Two more amigastyle- and all four msdosstyle-drives missing.
sabre:/dev# mknod fd2 b 2 2 sabre:/dev# mknod fd3 b 2 3 sabre:/dev# mknod mfd0 b 2 4 sabre:/dev# mknod mfd1 b 2 5 sabre:/dev# mknod mfd2 b 2 6 sabre:/dev# mknod mfd3 b 2 7 Who shall I contact? -- Christian Brandt life is short and in most cases it ends with death but my tombstone will carry the hiscore