On 06.05.20 18:46, Molly de Blanc wrote:
Hi DebConf Team,

I'm contacting you on behalf of the Community Team. We'd like to open a
channel of communication around Code of Conduct enforcement and incident
response at DebConf. While DefConf is under the organization of the
DebConf Team, we're very interested in doing what we can to help make
the DC space welcoming, friendly, and safe for everyone who
participates. Would you be interested in having a chat about your plans
and the best ways, if any, for the teams to coordinate?

Hello Molly,

[From my memory, mostly past conferences]. DebConf didn't have own enforcement team: we listed the debian email address, and we contacted the anti-harassment team in advance, to see if email was active and to have some people locally. IIRC on DC18 none of anti-harassment team member attended, but they elected some proxies, and AFAIK things went well (on procedure side, there were some works for both local and official team). It is not so different from DebConf having regular contacts with DPL, DSA, etc.: DebConf is Debian: better to use Debian resources instead of reinventing the wheel.

I think the best way it is to make a item on a next DebConf meeting, and then you can explain how do you want to manage things, and which help do you need from DebConf. Then probably the rest will follow in smaller group. Just someone should remember the busy team about linking coding of conduct in relevant documentation/registration forms, checking that we publish email address, etc. [and the on-site people should be accustomed with few registration and orga people: local orga probably can enforce better decisions (contact local police/guards, keys managements, etc.)].


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