On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 08:33:00PM +0200, Daniel Lange wrote:
> Hi Tzafrir,
> Am 24.10.19 um 19:51 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> > On 24/10/2019 17:06, Daniel Lange wrote:
> > 
> > > E.g. the hledger program is in Debian since 2011 cf.
> > > https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=hledger
> > 
> > Does hledger work? AFAIK the budget uses a format not supported by hledger:
> This was a comment on how outdated the wiki page that Chiamaka is working on
> still is.
> https://hledger.org/faq.html#how-is-hledger-different-from-ledger has the
> differences between file formats, supported stanzas, features and command
> line options.
> They are not fully compatible and if you would want to use hledger, you'd
> have to either use the include different files as per the FAQ linked above
> or only use the common subset.
> Beancount (http://furius.ca/beancount/ ,
> https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=beancount) is another
> alternative that is in Debian but not in stable. zack and tbm have written
> https://github.com/zacchiro/ledger2beancount . Not a recommendation to
> switch. Just listing this because I'd probably favor beancount over hledger
> if ledger itself is not fine for a good reason.

FWIW we used ledger for DC19 and it worked just fine.

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