Hi Tzafrir,

Am 24.10.19 um 19:51 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
On 24/10/2019 17:06, Daniel Lange wrote:

E.g. the hledger program is in Debian since 2011 cf.

Does hledger work? AFAIK the budget uses a format not supported by hledger:

This was a comment on how outdated the wiki page that Chiamaka is working on still is.

https://hledger.org/faq.html#how-is-hledger-different-from-ledger has the differences between file formats, supported stanzas, features and command line options. They are not fully compatible and if you would want to use hledger, you'd have to either use the include different files as per the FAQ linked above or only use the common subset.

Beancount (http://furius.ca/beancount/ , https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=beancount) is another alternative that is in Debian but not in stable. zack and tbm have written https://github.com/zacchiro/ledger2beancount . Not a recommendation to switch. Just listing this because I'd probably favor beancount over hledger if ledger itself is not fine for a good reason.

Kind regards,

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