Dear all

This is the 5th year in a row that I'm contributing to DebConf
organisation (mostly in the publicity part, but also some part in
bursaries, and other small things). It's been mostly a pleasure and
always a honour, I've learnt a lot ant I'd like to thank everybody.
However, I couldn't attend to DebConf all these years, so I feel a bit
like an alien, I feel I need a break, and also I'm trying to reduce some
parts of my Debian involvement so I can focus better in my other Debian

Given all that, I prefer (at least for now) to retire from DebConf team.

This means, in practice:
    * I'll send RT ticket to remove myself from the alias, I think I have no pending TODO items there
(ping me otherwise).

    * please ping if any partner decides to sponsor
DebConf20; it's usually a good practice to get their description in updated. Same if an organisation is listed in (that one coordinate with debian-www@l.d.o). Thanks!

    * It should be easy for anybody to cover the "bare minimum" related
to DebConf publicity, taking what has been done in the past years, and
adapt/evolve from there. There are some issues in dc19 repo in salsa
tagged "publicity" with some more details. The publicity repos are
DD-writable and we're happy to review salsa MR or texts sent to the
mailing list. I'm also happy to help anybody to get started with this
task and with Debian publicity in general (yes, the expertise you'll get
in DebConf publicity is perfectly reusable for Debian publicity ;-) ).

    * If you need anything and no one has stepped ahead to care about
DebConf20/21 publicity yet, please CC the mailing list debian-publicity,
don't assume we're in debconf-team or in the IRC channels and follow the
debconf organisation timeline.

Thanks everybody, and safe travels back home!
Laura Arjona Reina

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