Hi there, Ever since debconf17 happened I haven't had enough time, energy and resources to devote to helping out further debconf conferences. I would love to be with all of you each year but it seems that it is currently not possible for me to do so.
Seeing this sustained lack of energy and time, I think it's about time for me to make my exit from debconf organizing. So: could ppl with access to the aliases and mailing lists please request the removal of this email address from all? I remember being a part of: * debconf-t...@lists.debconf.org * registrat...@debconf.org * feedb...@debconf.org Finally, I would love to emphasize that I'm not leaving because of any other reason than what was cited above. I loved organizing dc17 and fell in love with the conference and its set of attendees during my first conference in Cape Town. I was deeply hoping to be able to go to both Taïwan and Brazil, but personal circumstances made it so I couldn't go. The conference has also definitely broadened my interests in debian packaging, and I'm still very active in the local debian meetups. I will hopefully see you around soon enough when the stars align! maybe 2021? (fingers crossed) p.s.: 2021 totally has that cyberpunk feel to it.. maybe debconf that year could have some things to joke around with this? ;) au revoir!
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