On 9/12/18 10:43 AM, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> On 12.09.2018 15:24, Daniel Lange wrote:
>> Hi Helen,
>> Am 12.09.2018 um 14:45 schrieb Helen Koike:
>>> Usually in Brazil, when a company sponsors an event, they usually
>>> get a talk slot too.
>> [..]
>>> So we were wondering:
>>> If (and only if) a sponsoring company request explicitly for a
>>> talk slot, would it be ok to say yes if it follow requirements
>>> are met? : [..]
>> We've done talk slots for sponsors before. On the conditions you
>> mentioned (i.e. they need to be about a FLOSS contribution, relevant to
>> the attendees and not advertising) that was deemed o.k. in the past.
> Yes, in past it was allowed for platinum sponsors. But either the talk
> is good, so sponsorship do no affect the selection, or we should not
> accept the talk. So at the end it was not useful (and contrary of what
> we wrote in final reports).
> Note: sometimes we see slide templates with company names (not necessary
> a sponsors), or just a thank you final slide, for sponsoring the
> attendance of the speaker (usually a DFD), (possibly not a DebConf
> sponsors)
>>> - The sponsor must be tier bronze or higher
>> Bronze is really low, we did this for Gold or Platinum in the past.
>> You'd have ~25 or so potential talks otherwise, that's ... a lot.
> Here we are discussing just for Open Day, so we do not need high level,
> OTOH there are not many slots.
> In any case, OpenDay format is mostly choose by local team. So you
> should check within your team, how many slots there are, how many slot
> you can give to sponsors (I would do so, give a limit, and than the
> highest sponsor have priority).
I see, make sense.
> Note: often OpenDay were a delusion: few attendees for the effort: it is
> a totally other conference (language, so attendees and speakers, but
> also logistically and publicity is totally different). So often it is
> difficult to find resource to make the event well know and with many
> attendees (DebConf attendees will not participate because of language,
> topic, arrival, tourism). So sponsors could also not be happy.
> But you will know better, if such effort is necessary to get a balanced
> budget (expectation of local sponsors), and in this case you should find
> a good formula. Open day -> local sponsor, so possibly there is less
> pressure about having too many talks.
Yes, we were thinking about something in this direction indeed, thanks
for your input, I'll discuss with other people from the local team :)