Hi all,

The following is email template for dc18 sponsor, please help to review
and feedback.

Subject: <sponsor> sponsorship of Debian Conference, July ~ Augest 2018 in 
CC: spons...@debconf.org


Hi <sponsor contact>,

<I was given your name and email address by <referral> as the person
to contact> <I discovered your name in search for contacts>
regarding possible sponsorship of the next annual Debian developers'
conference, "DebConf18". <Maybe a reason why we think they'd be
interested in sponsoring, e.g. do they use Debian?>

DebConf18 will take place in Hsinchu, Taiwan during July ~ Augest 2018
(see http://debconf18.debconf.org). We're now starting the
fundraising campaign and wondered if <sponsor> might be interested
in participating.

It goes without saying that we are offering several perks and
recognition in return. You can find a summary of these perks in the
flyer attached to this mail. More details are available in our
sponsorship brochure:

Please also feel free to contact us with any questions.

If you aren’t the right person to contact, or if you know of any
other organisations that might be interested in sponsoring DebConf,
we welcome suggestions.

DebConf is the primary venue for Debian developers and contributors
to meet and facilitate the ongoing development of the Debian
distribution, its derivatives, and related subprojects. Our
conference is entirely volunteer-run and funded by generous
donations from organisations and individuals, including travel
sponsorships that make it possible for developers from all over the
world to collaborate face-to-face. DebConf18 will be the 19th
conference we organise, and we expect around 500-600 people to attend.

And as before, please don't hesitate to send any questions our way.

Thank you very much for your consideration,
<sponsor team member>, for the DebConf18 fundraising team

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debconf,debian}.org
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