
El 19 de septiembre de 2017 16:35:29 CEST, Giacomo Catenazzi <c...@cateee.net> 
>On 19.09.2017 15:17, Alexander Wirt wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Sep 2017, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
>>> On 17.09.2017 16:50, Daniel Lange wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> the DebConf team is currently preparing another try to migrate the
>>>> DebConf specific infrastructure to Debian, DSA supported,
>>>> Along this we would like to migrate the mailing lists
>>> Antispam on l.d.o is good, so I assume we will no need moderation
>>> IIRC it is not provided by listmaster).
>>> But for announce, we need to restrict posting (and replying), and
>> replying? what does that mean. 
>>> unfortunately not all orga are (yet) DD or in any keyring.  How do
>>> think we can implement such restriction?
>> What do you suggest?
>I don't know. What are the current options?
>I think a white list could be ok (this will be changed only few time
>every year, to include new orga people).
>Or a specific keyring (or DD + specific)
>Or the old moderation (but in this case we need to be more active on
>Or a specific IP white list (on a debconf machine e.g. wafer) and we
>build the tools around it (a announce mail should in any case be
>identi.cated, re-twitted, blogged, etc.
>How does the press team work?

Debian-devel-announce I think all DDs can post there.

Debian-announce only press delegates can.

Some of the announcements posted in debconf-announce were posted in 
debian-devel-announce too, so a DD was needed anyway. Thus, IMO, 
debconf-announce could follow the same policy as debian-devel-announce.

About the rest of "spreading the word", well, the publicity team usually 
follows the mailing lists and then microblogs the news when it's in the public 
archive, or we have previous coordination (if possible) if the news should be 
published in bits.debian.org or www.debian.org/News (and thus in 
debian-announce). So no particular setup required for this.


Laura Arjona Reina
Debconf-team mailing list

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