On 19.09.2017 15:17, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2017, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
>> On 17.09.2017 16:50, Daniel Lange wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> the DebConf team is currently preparing another try to migrate the
>>> DebConf specific infrastructure to Debian, DSA supported, solutions.
>>> Along this we would like to migrate the mailing lists
>> Antispam on l.d.o is good, so I assume we will no need moderation (which
>> IIRC it is not provided by listmaster).
>> But for announce, we need to restrict posting (and replying), and
> replying? what does that mean. 
>> unfortunately not all orga are (yet) DD or in any keyring.  How do you
>> think we can implement such restriction?
> What do you suggest?

I don't know. What are the current options?

I think a white list could be ok (this will be changed only few time
every year, to include new orga people).

Or a specific keyring (or DD + specific)

Or the old moderation (but in this case we need to be more active on

Or a specific IP white list (on a debconf machine e.g. wafer) and we
build the tools around it (a announce mail should in any case be
identi.cated, re-twitted, blogged, etc.

How does the press team work?

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