> Le 10 septembre 2017 à 10:37, "ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)" <czc...@debconf.org> a 
> écrit :
> On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 08:51:02AM -0400, znot...@mailbox.org wrote:
> > > Le 10 septembre 2017 à 03:30, "(陳昌倬)" <czc...@debconf.org> a écrit :
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Please help to review DC18 brochure and flyer in [0]. The following is
> > > TODO items right now:
> > 
> > Hi Changzhuo,
> > 
> > I couldn't open either of the documents.  Evince told me that it couldn't 
> > display docs of type html.  My browser wouldn't open them either.
> You can use the following command to get brochure & flyer in git
> repository:
>     git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debconf-data/dc18.git

Thanks Changzhuo, that got me the docs.

I've just had a quick look at them.  I think it's probably to early in the 
process to be worried about formatting and typo's at this point, content is the 
most important, in my view.

I see two content related issues.  The first is that Debian calls itself "the 
universal operating system".  On page three of the brochure, there is a heading 
"The Free Operating System".  To my ears that sounds conflictual.  I would 
change that heading to "The Universal Operating System".  I might then change 
the following heading from "Debian is Universal, Debian is Choice" to "Debian 
is Freedom, Debian is Choice".

The second content related issue is on page 9.  The 4th paragraph under the 
heading "The Need for Sponsorship" talks about DebConf in Montreal as if it 
hasn't happened yet.  You need to change that to talk about Hsinchu and how 
many attendees you expect, etc.

My first impression is that the rest of the content is not bad.  Zobel has 
already pointed out some formatting issues.  I won't repeat them here.  But, I 
wouldn't worry about formatting and typos too much until you are completely 
happy with the content, because changing content can often change the 
formatting so you might as well save all the formatting issues for last.  It 
sucks having to refix something you've already fixed just because you made a 
content change.

I'll try to find time to have another look later.

Looks good mostly,
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