On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 12:04:09PM +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> First of all, the brochure looks nice, but i have few things to
> criticise.
> Page 1: 
>   I counted 5 different font sizes and mix of bold and no bold fonts and
>   a mix 1.5 and 1 line spacing: This makes the page very
>   restless/fidgety to read. Try to avoid this by reducing the number of
>   font sizes and line spacing options.
>   The indenting of this page is different to the one on the other pages.
>   Given that this page is the cover page this is probably okay, but it
>   looks a bit strange compared to the remaining pages, which have less
>   indenting and a smaller font size.

Need some help about this part. I am not so familiar with Latex.

> Page 2:
>   This page is only half filled. Use the remaining space. Either use the
>   space with a picture, or maybe if the conference is held at a
>   university (wiki page for DC18 and page 4 suggest so) as the dean for
>   a statement why he thinks DebConf18 at the university is a good thing.

In DC17, there is a orga team picture. I will check if there is any
suitable picture here.

> Page 3:
>   Last section, second sentence, you do a paragraph break in the middle
>   of the sentence. Why?

Caused by comment at the wrong place. Fixed in git.

> Page 4:
>   I am not a native english speaker, but the word-line-breaking for
>   "partic-ipants" (3rd paragraph) looks very strange to me.

Looks like it breaks automatically by latex. Not sure if this break is
reasonable or not.

> Page 6:
>   I would use a different wording for the caption for the picture. eg.
>   Participants with T-Shirts from all past DebConfs.

Thanks for the suggestion. Fixed in git.

> Page 7:
>   You do not use a third of a page! Either add content or a picture.

Good idea. Will fix a suitable picture here.

> Page 8:
>   Maybe not use the same quotes of our sponsors all and all over again.
>   Ask sponsors for DebConf17 to send you new quotes?
> Cheers,
> Martin

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debconf,debian}.org
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