Louis-Philippe Véronneau dijo [Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:42:37PM -0400]:
> Hi!
> This is a reminder for the meeting!

Hello world,

As it has become usual, I am not going to make it to tomorrow's

This and last weeks, the Content Team was quite busy rating talks. We
might have some new data, but as of last Friday, we had basically
rated all of the talks submitted in time. There are 183 registered
sessions; we used a rating system where each of us rated each talk
between -2 and 2; the amounts of talks we would accept if we set a
given threshold is as follows:

-2.0: 183
-1.8: 183
-1.6: 183
-1.4: 182
-1.2: 182
-1.0: 180
-0.8: 180
-0.6: 178
-0.4: 170
-0.2: 168
0.0: 154
0.2: 152
0.4: 148
0.6: 136
0.8: 127
1.0: 103
1.2: 102
1.4: 89
1.6: 69
1.8: 42
2.0: 1
2.2: 1

FWIW, the one event that's ranked about our theoretical maximum
is... The Cheese and Wine Party! So we can decide to drop work and
just have a fine party, and the Content Team's function will have been
achieved. ;-)

Anyway - getting from here to a schedule, or even to a preliminary
list of talks, is still a long shot (and a lot of work). We have to
check on:

- Comments from the submitters (i.e. requests for being scheduled in
  such-and-such day)
- Comments from the evaluations (from us)
- Work out when to lay out the tracks

This should amount to some hours of work... But I feel I won't be able
to do much: This week, I will attend a three day colloquium (and I
don't think I'll even have my laptop on me); Thursday and Friday I
basically expect pre-vacation hell to rain on me at work. Then, on
Sunday I'm going on family vacation for a week to Oaxaca city... so
although I plan on taking my laptop and doing some work...

...Content team, help: I need a champion. I need somebody to help us
get "from here to there". I will connect for a bit every day, but
honestly I don't think I can get the work we need in time. And we are
quite close to the conference date.

I would very much like to publish this week a +- reviewed list of
talks that we can present as preliminarily approved, and maybe a week
later (by July 7) to have a -preliminary, again- schedule.

One can dream, right? :-]

Who can step up to help do this?

Now, finally: There are a couple of events I'd like you to discuss. I
don't feel comfortable on sharing my concerns on a publicly archived
mailing list, but I have talked them briefly over with some of you,
hopefully you will be able to fill in during the meeting.

Please discuss on whether we want to accept the following
(non-academic, not in the "official" schedule) events. Or please
decide who should we discuss them with, as they don't really fall
under the Content Team umbrella:

- 175
- 173
- 118

There are other issues to discuss with the orga team, of course, but
I'll try to do it while being "present" in the channel.

Oh! One more, VERY IMPORTANT thing: At the Content Team, we don't feel
we can (even if we wanted) properly do the Open Day. We need somebody
to step up for it. We have 16 talks / workshops / events for it, but
we need a local organizer to make sense out of them and to assemble
the day's logic.

Anyway, that's basically our report.

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