
This is a reminder for the meeting!


On 2017-06-19 16:27, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Hello!
> You can find last meeting's summary on the wiki [1] and at the
> end of this mail.
> The next meeting will be on *Monday June 26th, starting at 14:00 UTC*.
> Here's the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc. Feel free to modify it
> as you wish.
> [1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Meetings/2017-06-19
> -----
> *Registration*
> We will dump a list of people who registered before July 1st; they get
> priority for swag; the others can get swag say after the day trip if the
> others didn't collect.
> *Bursaries*
> Out of approximately 150 people, 94 accepted food+accomm (85 food, 73
> accomm). Also, 49 accepted travel.
> We'll have to adjust meal numbers with the caterer on July 1st.
> *Volunteering system*
> The infos on the sprint to work on the volunteering system should be
> sent on June 21st.
> *Anti-harassment  status*
> The AH team on-site will be made of Neil, Marga, Lavamind & LeLutin.
> *Conference dinner*
> We agreed to setup from 18:00 to 19:00, then have the event from 19:00
> to 01:00, and finally teardown until 2h00.
> We also agreed we would rent the eating space from 19:00 to 21:00 and
> the tower from 20:00 to 01:00.
> Tvaz will ask our caterer if they can manage the bar.
> *Content*
> Content team has started working on a pre-schedule but members of the
> team have been busy last week.
> *Artwork*
> Banners and bags design are done and should be sent to printers shortly.
> *Videoteam*
> The DPL has approved funding for new cameras and gizmos.
> *DC18 status update*
> The logo for DC18 has been chosen:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18/Artwork, There will be some
> promotional DC18 stickers at DC17.
> -----
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> Debconf-team mailing list
> Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
> http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team

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