Hi team,

In about one month, we will be required to make the first deposit to
establish our contract with the DC17 venue.

I have reviewed the contract and deem it reasonable, but it should be
also reviewed by other persons, including non-locals.

Here is the current (final?) draft:

Unfortunately it's in French, as legal documents like this are difficult
to translate. So if you can read some (or a lot) of French, please
consider this request.

Nonetheless, here are a few things of note:

* To ensure 24h access, volunteers will be required to man a door
between 22h to 3h. This door is nearby to Registration and we'll be able
to setup chairs, tables and networking next to it, but it will still
require some coordination and commitment by volunteers. >3h access will
be allowed from another entrance, for travel arrivals only.

* The venue manager will have to approve our sponsors. They will raise
objections if DebConf17 boasts sponsorship from businesses that run
counter to policies of the College. Examples: bottled water and energy
drink companies, cigarette/tobacco manufacturers

* We are still considering adjustments to room reservations, so the list
isn't final.

* Floor plans are available on ownCloud, for those interested.

Don't hesitate to shoot any questions my way.

-- Jerome

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