Dear Curitiba team

Thanks for your really good bid page. And thanks for including the
pronunciation clip, I had to do a search to find it for Hsinchu :)

Winter temperatures in Curitiba look similar to the temperatures we had
in Cape Town. We warned people to bring some warm tops and something
comfortable to sleep in since we didn't have central heating at our
venue. How is that in Curitiba (and more specifically at the planned
accommodation)? Might be worth while to add a note to remind people that
it's winter on outgoing communication shortly before DC.

The details around Comunidade Curitiba Livre and its history are
interesting. Is this also the organisation that you'll be using for
handling local DebConf affairs? If so, is it already formally
incorporated as a volunteer, for-profit or non-profit organisation?

You mention that the academic calendar is sometimes a little
unpredictable. How unpredictable is that? When the university locks down
dates at the venue, will you be able to trust them?

You mention that UTFPR closes doors at 23:00. Are the nearby
hotels/hostels walking distance? (at least there's Uber locally which is
good if someone gets stuck)

If I understand the Power section correctly, you use both 220 volts and
127 volts power in Brazil. What do you use in Curitiba? Is it at least
standard city-wide or do some buildings have their own transformers to
take it up/down?

How far is the Curitiba municipal market from UTFPR? Looking at the
cheesemarket photos I can imagine that a large number of people would
want to stop by there for their C&W contribution. You mentioned 'close'
but does that mean walking distance or short ride?

Good luck and thanks for all the work you have put in to the bid so far!

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