also sprach David Bremner <> [2016-04-06 14:03 +0200]:
> If I understand correctly, there is no seperate budget line in
> that overview for sponsored accomodation. Somewhere else there are
> assumptions about the fraction of people sponsored, so it could be
> calculated, but was a bit indirect. That's all I meant.

Right, so this relates to the two sides of a budget. The pivot is
the number you're referencing, and it's always bugged me too that
we've traditionally merged room & board with respect to bursaries
(we did it again for DC15 because that's how the youth hostel
contract worked).

It'd be one thing to provide more detail in the numbers and separate
food, accomodation, travel, outreach, etc., and we should/could
certainly split up the lines more according to your needs.

But we still need to arrive at those numbers, and this is what the
complexity in the DC15 spreadsheet was all about, mainly because we
had to suck these numbers out of our fingers and — ironically
— tried to be transparent about how we arrived at them.

> - you have $Z total for travel + accomodation + food bursaries
>   - each sponsored accommodation costs $X
>   - each sponsored food costs $Y
> - please offer food and accomodation sponsorship to all "active
>   contributors", and spend the rest on travel. [2]

Let's turn the tables around!
Could you imagine bursaries, at the start of the budgeting process,
saying that you'll need $Z to be able to pay for $N attendees, as
per the bursary guidelines (which might or might not exist, but
would possibly contribute the most to the perception of

The budget approval process might require you to reduce $Z, or the
situation might come up in which you can ask for a budget increase.
But you'd have a number to work with, which seems to be in line with
what you're asking.

The difference is that you'd now be the ones sucking the numbers
from your fingers, but the benefit would be that you could make it
as transparent as you need it, and draw on your accumulated
experience (while each year's local team really only has the same
information as you, but not the feel for the numbers).

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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