Dear team,
over the last month we have collaborated in drafting a proposal for the
next DebConf delegation.
This was a first and not without pain but we made substantial progress.
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Things have converged onto re-iterating the 2011 delegation by zack with
s/chair/delegate/g to get a fresh start.
Neil has pointed out that it is advantageous to delegate the same to all
delegates so I moved the roles into a preamble. (Technically we'd need
multiple delegations otherwise.)
In this proposal it is left to the delegates to prioritize their time
and effort into the roles so that the team knows whom to address for
which topics.
We still want to get over "all decisions must be unanimous" delays.
Nobody ever asked for this but it somehow crept in.
So we would like to explicitly empower/remind/allow people to take
individual decisions.
Please review the bullet points in
within the next week or two (latest until 2015-12-06).
I explicitly made bullet points as I try to make sure the most important
aspects are noted down but not get into copy-editing mode.
After this final review phase, I'd ask Neil to kindly consider this
submission for his next DebConf delegation.
Best regards,
P.S.: Some links & references for people that haven't followed closely
are at the bottom of the Titanpad in the "Background" section.
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