martin f krafft dijo [Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 03:33:57PM +1300]:
> also sprach Patty Langasek <> [2015-11-12 13:32 +1300]:
> > Incorrect. 2 of the 3 original delegates ended up losing time for
> > various reasons, the last remaining delegate remained active. More
> > delegates were added, and became active right around when things
> > were "heating up" so to speak, and were involved in a lot of
> > discussions on the ground.
> That was not my impression at all, but there's little point in
> arguing over this.

As one of the chairs-who-stepped-down, I'm fully with Patty on
this. My stepping down didn't mean I stopped being an orga (just much
less intensely), and it was not *completely* unexpected (I had
reiterately told the DPL, fellow chairs and orga team I had no longer
enough time to adequately pursue this responsability. For months).

Even though they were very recently appointed, Tincho and Tássia
(together with Moray) were *very* active in all meetings and
decisions, and devoted a huge time to rethinking the team organization
before, during and after DebConf.
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