Hi all

 On 30 de octubre de 2015 08:06:09 GMT+01:00, Bernelle Verster 
<bernel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all
>This currently lives on sandstorm [1]
>TLDR: Can everyone try out Kanban? It is not required for you to use
>it, we will try to coordinate communications between those who use it
>and those who don't, but please go try it out and see what you think.
>Links further down.
>Next meeting: 4 November 2015 18:30 UTC
>Potential items for discussion:
>1. DC15 report finish
>2.  Sponsors:
>* Come up with a fundraising schedule
>* Need lead on making sure someone is working on the stuff we are
>promising sponsors.
>* Discuss: send the swag to sponsors again?
>** We either should drop it or organize it well during DC16. Need to
>decide early and be consistent with what we tell sponsors.
>3. Marketing (may schedule a specific meeting with larjona, who can't
>really make Wednesdays)
>4. ?...
>21 Oct logs:
>       28 Oct meeting's logs:
>(and below)
>Apologies: edrz, ginggs
>1. Website development - status update (tumbleweed)
>rough outline of chunks of work required:
>* we need to skin our wafer instance, so that it's better than the
>current static site, and can replace it
>* we need to get a dev version of the wafer site up
>* we need to get a production version of the wafer site up
>those are the logical steps I see, now
>the first two can happen in either order
>2. KanBan
>and https://github.com/wekan/wekan
Some notes about wekan in sandstorm:

1.- as cards have users associated, you have to login first in order to edit 
the wekan board.
2.- if you login with email token, you need to reload the page in order to 
edit. Other authentications (e.g. github) automatically trigger a reload so 
this manual reload is not needed. This is a bug and it's already reported.
3.- We thought that an admin needed to give permissions to other users to 
enable editing for them but that is not needed (we were experiencing the bug 
mentioned). Self-registering, and reloading the page if you logged in with 
email, should be enough.


>3. Fundraising
>going well, please keep thinking about leads.
>indiebio's debconf email was being retarded with RTs...
>4. A4 single page Flyer in Inkscape/Scribus
>Tammy will upload to dropbox
>team to help with fixing her git.
>sandstorm/titanpad? (not discussed)
>5. General
>(DebConf mentors: what should we be busy with right now? Are we
>missing something?)
>What to call colours ... (this degraded post meeting, humourously)
>[1] -
>Debconf-team mailing list

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Laura Arjona Reina
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