Hi all

This currently lives on sandstorm [1]

TLDR: Can everyone try out Kanban? It is not required for you to use
it, we will try to coordinate communications between those who use it
and those who don't, but please go try it out and see what you think.
Links further down.

Next meeting: 4 November 2015 18:30 UTC
Potential items for discussion:

1. DC15 report finish
2.  Sponsors:
* Come up with a fundraising schedule
* Need lead on making sure someone is working on the stuff we are
promising sponsors.
* Discuss: send the swag to sponsors again?
** We either should drop it or organize it well during DC16. Need to
decide early and be consistent with what we tell sponsors.
3. Marketing (may schedule a specific meeting with larjona, who can't
really make Wednesdays)
4. ?...

21 Oct logs: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Meetings/2015-10-21
       28 Oct meeting's logs:
(and below)

Apologies: edrz, ginggs
1. Website development - status update (tumbleweed)
rough outline of chunks of work required:
* we need to skin our wafer instance, so that it's better than the
current static site, and can replace it
* we need to get a dev version of the wafer site up
* we need to get a production version of the wafer site up
those are the logical steps I see, now
the first two can happen in either order

2. KanBan
see https://storm.debian.net/shared/wq6OxE5Mu4IkHVBjmBVH9ROgMiAgTAak_lumcsYSfDa
and https://github.com/wekan/wekan

3. Fundraising
going well, please keep thinking about leads.
indiebio's debconf email was being retarded with RTs...

4. A4 single page Flyer in Inkscape/Scribus
Tammy will upload to dropbox
team to help with fixing her git.

sandstorm/titanpad? (not discussed)

5. General
(DebConf mentors: what should we be busy with right now? Are we
missing something?)
What to call colours ... (this degraded post meeting, humourously)


[1] - 
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