also sprach Laura Arjona Reina <> [2015-10-12 14:37 +0200]:
> But!! I never used kanban and have no idea about it (apart from
> being this coloured stickers thing for management). I just want to
> help providing a free software based infrastructure for the system
> people needs. If it does not fit, move to trash.

Kanban is dead simple (and "agile"! Yay!), and it'd be a huge step
up from our current efforts of keeping track of things that need to
be done, and who is doing stuff.¹


The basic principle of Kanban is that tasks (cards) are publicly
visible and attached to one of several workflow states (lists).
Everyone can see which tasks are e.g. "to-do", which are
"in-progress", and which are "done" (three lists), and people move
tasks around to communicate progress.

Additionally, for each task, notes can be kept, data collected, due
dates defined, and people assigned.

There are bits of information here:


Kanban could be a great tool for DebConf, because it's designed to
let people pull work from queues, e.g. when they find free-time, or
join the project late.

However, I don't think it implements the concept of dependencies,
and I am not sure we should try to do without. For instance, I do
not see the point in having e.g. "getting t-shirts printed" show up
as a to-do until a quote has been obtained, or registrations have
opened and first numbers known.

Rather, only tasks should show up as to-do when they can actually be
done. And this is the domain of Gantt charts etc.

However, those often scare people away and they are arguably more
reminiscent of ancient development approaches.

So something in the middle would be useful, e.g. a Kanban with
a (implicit, automatic) list "waiting for other tasks", containing
all the jobs that can't yet be done, and which are automatically
moved to "to-do" as soon as the dependencies are completed.

In addition, task views should quickly visualise priorities (e.g.
using a bigger font size for more important stuff), and highlight
overdue items.

Does anyone know of such a tool?

Or am I going down a garden path?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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      DebConf17 in your country?

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