also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <> [2015-10-01 15:51 +0200]:
> But I find also disturbing that we speak about local team, and Martin is
> trying to dilute the meaning of local team from inside. He is local in
> DC15, DC16 and it seems it try to be local on one bid of DC17 [curiously
> where lives are also much experienced DebConf people, and one chair].

I've removed my name from

> So what it is local team? I think many of us are helping bid
> teams, giving opinions but trying to avoid the conflict of
> interest, and givint true local the decisions [in spirit of this
> mail], contrary of Martin work.

The original e-mail explicitly purports a different spirit: that the
"local team" (a bad name) is *not* just made up of "true locals",
but a natural grouping of people supporting a bid/conference

In that sense it's "diluting the meaning of the local team" and
that's part of the purpose — and not something that I am doing
maliciously, while everyone else is just being noble.

We need to empower those with energy and ideas to drive the

During the DC15 cycle, it became obvious that the teams structure
didn't work out and its implementation was halted. Yet, DebConf15
orga shaped up to become a very successful conference with true
DebConf nature.

Not everyone remained on board throughout the year, but that's
a natural process in any volunteer organisation. Yet, most people
involved stayed motivated to continue working on dc-orga, instead of
sinking into the post-DebConf burnout, and that's what we wanted to
achieve all along!

Unfortunately, this motivation and involvement is currently fading
fast, it seems.

Instead of finger-pointing and trying to resume installing
a sub-teams structure that fell short of expectations and too often
got in the way, we should build upon what worked well for DC15 (and
the successful conferences before that) and take things from there.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17 in your country?

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