Hi all

I'm not in depth with the issues here, but as a newbie, I was really
interested in the public key idea (I've been so vigorously getting keys
signed, it's embarrassing). I'm guessing people won't be able to generate
their own fully fledged keys on the spot, but perhaps some mock-up/greatly
simplified version to show them the steps, combined with, say, an
introductory lecture on cyber security? So, almost gimmicky but rooted in
real life. In my opinion the people coming will be curious and a bit geeky

On the cyber security, I'm not sure if the FB, twitter etc auth is a good
way to go...

Just my half thought through two cents :)

(indiebio on IRC)

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 8:43 AM, martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org>

> also sprach Karsten Merker <mer...@debian.org> [2015-07-27 23:57 +0200]:
> > Maybe I am misunderstanding something here, but AFAICS this would
> > mean that every potential visitor would have to create an alioth
> > account to be able to log into summit, which might be a relatively
> > big deterrence for "normal" people, in particular for locals who
> > might read about DebConf in the local press and come by to take
> > a look.
> I think front desk will be prepared to handle day visitors with
> lesser administrative effort on-site. If Nattie could confirm this,
> then we should probably amend the PR just a bit in this direction.
> Since you brought up the subject — and I think you have good points:
> I agree with you that the whole Alioth dance is way more trouble
> than I find it worth, and I hope next year, we'll find a better
> solution. SSO is great of course, but IMHO we should/could
>   - also allow users to create quick accounts right there, or even
>     offer the use of Twitter, G+, FB etc. as auth-providers
>   - completely detach all registration data from authentication and
>     allow one authenticated user to create multiple registrations,
>     e.g. for their family members of co-workers, or well, for
>     front-desk to register day visitors.
> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
> : :'  :  DebConf orga team
> `. `'`
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