also sprach Karsten Merker <> [2015-07-27 23:57 +0200]:
> Maybe I am misunderstanding something here, but AFAICS this would
> mean that every potential visitor would have to create an alioth
> account to be able to log into summit, which might be a relatively
> big deterrence for "normal" people, in particular for locals who
> might read about DebConf in the local press and come by to take
> a look.

I think front desk will be prepared to handle day visitors with
lesser administrative effort on-site. If Nattie could confirm this,
then we should probably amend the PR just a bit in this direction.

Since you brought up the subject — and I think you have good points:

I agree with you that the whole Alioth dance is way more trouble
than I find it worth, and I hope next year, we'll find a better
solution. SSO is great of course, but IMHO we should/could

  - also allow users to create quick accounts right there, or even
    offer the use of Twitter, G+, FB etc. as auth-providers

  - completely detach all registration data from authentication and
    allow one authenticated user to create multiple registrations,
    e.g. for their family members of co-workers, or well, for
    front-desk to register day visitors.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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