also sprach Tassia Camoes Araujo <> [2015-07-15 15:11 +0200]:
> Looking at the page we have no clue that the organization is
> independent from DebConf. And I wouldn't be surprised if 100% of
> people think it is not, since it will happen during debcamp, in
> the same venue, and announced inside our website.

How about I add an explicit note at the top that this is

> What I think is problematic about this is that our teams have no
> voice in how the workshop is structured, and it will be seen as
> part of our work, which is not true.

This applies to every single event at DebConf btw., i.e. if Jane Doe
organises a BoF, it's seen as part of DebConf and yet you have no
voice in it.

> This is a completely new thing for me (and probably for many other
> people) so please do not publish anything before we have enough
> people engaged in the discussion.

What sort of discussion? About the content/structure of the
workshop? Or about whether this can be organised in the context of
DebConf15 and advertised as a loose part of it?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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