also sprach Bernelle Verster <> [2015-07-16 15:48 +0200]:
> For what it's worth, bearing in mind that I am new to DebConf,
> I think this is a good idea, and I would like to know more about
> how the first workshop went, and if it happens again in August,
> how that one went.

The first workshop was interesting for all involved parties,
including ourselves, but we went into it without much of a goal or

Part of the motivation Michael and I had for our offering in the
DC15 context was to take lessons for Debian away with us (think:
certification, other offerings relevant to the
corporate/professional user). Our first workshop wasn't
Debian-specific, but for this one, we wanted to specifically engage
the participants in discussions about what Debian could improve.

> Why is the fee required? Obviously to cover costs,

… yes, and there are (were) two other components:

  1. to differentiate it from a free offering, since — and we all
     know this — something that's free cannot be as good as
     something that one has to pay money for.

  2. to raise funds for DebConf.

> This would have been better received if it was communicated in
> detail to the wider team earlier - which we should address for
> future cases.

Fully agreed, the communications strategy wasn't optimal. I was
under time pressure as I thought this would be a good addition to
the press release. And I naïvely didn't expect such resistance from
within the team.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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