On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:44:37AM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Of course some of them will need to be refined (the video team budget is
> still waiting for feedback from the team AFAIK), but as Martin outlined,
> we have some space for that.

The meeting last monday didn't happen, and this was entirely my fault.
My apologies for that.

However, some discussion has happened on the mailinglist. For this
edition, we're probably going to remain with the tried and tested
dvswitch workflow[1], so there won't be much money necessary.

Since Heidelberg is about as far away from Paris as is Vaumarcus, the
suggestion was made that a reasonable ballpark figure could be derived
by looking at the actual expenses made for dc13. Are those numers
available somewhere?

[1] dvswitch doesn't work on jessie anymore, due to changes in libav.
    However, it does still work on wheezy, so we're planning to go with
    wheezy for dc15. For future debconfs, a video sprint is planned
    where we'll evaluate alternatives.

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