also sprach Brian Gupta <> [2015-02-26 01:08 +0100]:
> Could we just say these fees are mandatory tickets, and treat the
> people we don't charge as need-based special exceptions that we
> sell discounted tickets to? When I say discounted, I mean
> discounted down to zero.

Not convinced. For need-based special exceptions, we need to be able
to document those. I think the bursaries team's work is ample
evidence of that for our sponsorship stuff, but this will be hard to
collect for corporates who don't choose to pay. Apart, how to put
that in the rego form? "mandatory, but you can check this box if you
don't want to pay?" I'd say that this wouldn't fly.

also sprach Anthony Towns <> [2015-02-26 06:13 +0100]:
> On 26 February 2015 at 04:00, martin f krafft <> wrote:
> > For the future, we could consider a "corporate registration package"
> > that we could sell for an invoice, including services as e.g.
> ​(Why is that not possible now?)​

Well, mainly because we've not done it before and I am not sure we
can work out all the details in time for registration to open, which
really should not get held up any longer.

> >   - listing of names, affiliation and contact details in a booklet
> >     made available to all attendees;
> It's 2015, if you're going to list them do it online not in a booklet.
> Cheaper, easier, more accessible to attendees, and potentially available
> permanently.

Honestly, even in 2015, there are still people who think that having
something in hand is worth more.

> I'd say a list something like:
>   Professional Attendees
>   ----------------------
>   Hewlett Packard
>   ---------------
>     "HP is a global company that does blahblah. We're hiring!"

We can probably do this for our sponsors, but I would not want to
offer this possibility of advertising a company to non-sponsors.

> ​might have actual value in two respects: it lets companies recruit, and
> lets companies demonstrate that they're a better employer than others
> because they'll pay for their employees to go to cool conferences.​ (It
> seems a bit like both a carrot and stick at once to me...)

I like the idea.

> ​I would expect that's sufficient "service" to justify
> invoicing, but I don't know german tax law...​

Neither do I. The problem is always that in the end, you might have
a tax authority person reach a different conclusion and have the
final word. I don't think this is any different outside of Germany
when you walk the edge like we'd do in this case. And I would also
be surprised if you can invoice for non-services outside Germany.

> The other approach might be providing a nicer memento to "paying"
> attendees. Perhaps everyone gets a debconf t-shirt with sponsors
> logos, but professional attendees also get a nice collared
> shirt/blouse with some subtle branding as well? Obviously the cost
> per shirt would want to be much less than the professional rego
> fee...

Also a good idea.

So, the way I see it is that we should polish this up for next year,
maybe talk to some corporates at DC15 and get their input too. But
for DC15, I don't see myself driving this change in time for the
registration mail, which should hopefully come any day now. So we'll
just do as we did in the past, which IMHO is acceptable. If someone
else can take this on, then that's another story.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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