On 08 Feb 2015, at 15:42, martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org> wrote:
> also sprach Ana Guerrero Lopez <a...@ekaia.org> [2015-02-08 14:35 +0100]:
>> I have not idea how much setup you have to do but given that the "local
>> team" is not in Heildeberg it doesn't sounds like a bad idea if you have
>> 1-2 days alone in the venue to polish the last minute details and probably
>> also prepare the hostel staff about what DebConf is.
> The hostel doesn't need to prepare, and I doubt there is much that
> we need to set up that could get in the way of sprints. But then
> again, five days is enough for sprints, too. Maybe it would be best
> for orga to arrive Saturday and DebCamp attendees to start arriving
> on Sunday? One day at the venue will be plenty of time I think.

I agree with Martin. On first part of DebCamp, attendees will use venue
WiFi, they will share the few electricity sockets, and eat together with
other guesses.

AFAIK, registration usually “open” mid week, also network setup will
take time (with priority to have a proper setup when most of people
arrive, instead of rush to provide a temporary network to DebCamp

So it is more a question of budget, and if many new guesses will
distract venue workers and local team for final agreements and setup
(keys, storage, food, and all local things).

> Note that we only have a limited amount of beds reserved during the
> week (80; should be enough) and we need to let them know ahead of
> time how many we actually need.


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