also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <> [2015-02-08 10:09 +0100]:
> Sat  8 Aug: Early arrivals (Setup, DebCamp) starting 17:00

Well, people can come earlier, but yes.

> Sun  9 Aug: DebCamp Day 1
> Mon 10 Aug: DebCamp Day 2
> Tue 11 Aug: DebCamp Day 3
> Wed 12 Aug: DabCamp Day 4
> Thu 13 Aug: DebCamp Day 5
> Fri 14 Aug: DebCamp Day 6, early arrival for DebConf sponsored people without 
> DebCamp plan
> Sat 15 Aug: Open Weekend, DebConf Day 1 (talks starts on the afternoon)

What do we do in the morning? If this is an Open Weekend, we should
maybe have some talks or workshops then already.

> Sun 16 Aug: Open Weekend, DebConf Day 2
> Mon 17 Aug: DebConf Day 3
> Tue 18 Aug: DebConf Day 4
> Wed 19 Aug: DebConf Day 5 (day trip)
> Thu 20 Aug: DebConf Day 6
> Fri 21 Aug: DebConf Day 7
> Sat 22 Aug: DebConf Day 8
> Sun 23 Aug: Clean-up and Departure Day, last day for sponsored people. Room 
> should be free by 10:00, venue by 14:00.

You pretty much hit the nail on its head. Thanks!

> Should we start talks on Saturday late afternoon (plenaries:
> Welcome and one/two additional) or as usual, Sunday morning? Or on
> Monday? Is open weekend a parallel sessions for public (parallel
> to DebConf?)

Our idea when we envisioned this was that the Opening Weekend is
also DebConf, but we schedule the talks that are interesting to
a general audience then, e.g. State of the Project, 1–2 keynotes,
release team, etc.…

> Is last Saturday still a talk day? a full talk day?

Yes, if we want.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town or Montreal?

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