also sprach Ana Guerrero Lopez <> [2015-02-06 15:41 +0100]:
> From the content team: budget for inviting speakers. I have found
> in the budget.ods "interesting speakers" that I assume is for this
> (and probably should rename). We need to decide if we're going to
> spend money on this or not, so we can process the requests we have
> received.

Yes and yes. I am very happy to hear your suggestions. The name
"interesting speakers" is indeed unfortunate, and I've change it to
"invited speakers" in my local copy already.

That said, please don't commit changes to that file since I am
actively working on it and it sucks to commit after every save and
it's not possible to merge stuff.

About amounts, I think it would be really useful if we came up with
a sort of "informed average" of how much it is to fly someone in
from Europe, the US, maybe Asia and even Pacific, just to get an
idea, and then we could say that our budget was e.g.
1×Asia+1×US+3×Europe or so and fill that.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town or Montreal?

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