Severity: wishlist
Control: tag -1 moreinfo
Control: submitter -1 Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <>
Control: retitle -1 add psuedo-package

On Tue, 03 Feb 2015, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> The DebConf Infrastructure team requests a new pseudo-package,
>, for use in tracking bugs, feature requests and so
> forth for DebConf's instance of the Summit conference management
> system.

In order to create the psuedopackage, I need the

1) name of the psuedopackage

Presumably, that's "" in this case.

2) a short description of what the pseudopackage will be used for
(suitable for inclusion in

3) The e-mail address of the maintainer of the psuedopackage who will
receive mail related to that mailing list

I also like to see an example existing bugs (or e-mails which would have
been/will be turned into bugs) which will be reassigned to this
pseudopackage once it is created. This is primarily so that I know that
the pseudopackage will be used.

Finally, I must note that the name of the psuedopackage will never be
available for a Debian package in the archive. [Given the name chosen,
that seems fine.]

Don Armstrong            

What I can't stand is the feeling that my brain is leaving me for 
someone more interesting.
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