David Bremner <da...@tethera.net> writes:

> Proposal
> --------
> OK, enough complaining, what's the proposal?
> a) As part of each year's budget process, allocate a budget amount to
>    each team for funding of volunteers. Presumably this amount would be
>    chosen in consultation with the relevent team leads, and people on
>    their teams.
> b) In addition to the other questions, something like "I am applying for
>    support primarily as a Debconf volunteer on team X", where is a menu,
>    with ideally links to descriptions, a free form text field,
>    something like "past DebConf and related experience, anticipated
>    contribution to this DebConf"
> c) Team leads then decide how to allocate their budget.  Ideally this
>    should happen early enough so that if e.g. people don't get funded
>    this way, their application can still be considered in the general
>    pool.
> d) The coordination team can deal with applications from team leads.
> e) There is no step e, hopefully. But maybe I missed something?

In general I very much like your proposal. I (as a bursaries team member
in the last years) think it's a big improvement over the situation in
the past. I have one concern though. I think it might be hard for teams
to estimate their budget amount early enough and splitting this into
many budget items will lead to a lot of unused funds because it's much
more likely teams will stay below their budget than go over their
budget. We at least need a good way to reclaim this money for other
teams or the general bursaries budget.

What about a slightltly different process: Each team lead/shadow
evaluate the applications from their team and tell bursaries how much
money they ideally need. After bursaries has ranked it's applications
there is a meeting with the team leads and bursaries where we decide
how much money goes to each team and how much to the general bursaries
budget. Like this there is much more information about how much money
each team needs when the decision is made. I also think that this
process is less bureaucratic.

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