Richard Hartmann <> writes:


> Who decides for applications from bursaries?

I don't envisage bursaries volunteers as people that need to be on site
to do their job.  If bursaries team members are applying for sponsorship
(primarily) as debconf volunteers for some other team (e.g. video, front
desk), then they apply in the same way as anybody else. Otherwise we are
left with the usual conflict of interest problem (mentioned by Patty),
which I think is independent from this discussion.

> Who decides for applications from chairs?
> Who decides for applications from coordination team lead & shadow?

Both of these cases are a bit different in that the people involved are
known when the budget is made. So I would say that could be part of the
global budget process: each of these groups can submit an estimate to
the team as a whole, and this can be negociated/approved as part of the

> Presumably, a sponsored team lead or shadow will be covered from their
> team's budget. That means that the coordination team must decide first
> so the team know how much money they have left.

Yes, there are cascading deadlines here. But I don't think the job of
the coordination team is onerous or time consuming here.

> Please don't make this a "you didn't use up your funds this year, so
> you get less next year" thing.

I think this has to be budgeted year by year. Previous history can
inform that discussion, but it should be primarily about what this
year's debconf needs.



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