Hi David (2014.12.19_11:46:23_+0200)
> Can someone who was in Managua (Jonathan?) compare the security
> situation with Managua? I found everyone I talked to in Managua friendly
> and helpful, but there was a great deal of warnings about walking alone
> around campus that made me a bit nervous.

I was in Managua, too. I felt pretty safe in Managua, just as I do in
Cape Town.

I didn't explore that much, beyond the hotel, conference venues, and the
local mall. I was just too busy.

There's pretty much nowhere I won't walk in Cape Town, alone. There are
areas I won't feel safe, walking in, but I'll still do it, and just be a
little more aware of my surroundings.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272
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