Hi Martín (2014.12.19_05:29:36_+0200)
> I get the impression from what you say that we will need to be pretty
> sheltered to be safe.

Not at all.

If you want to *guarantee* safety, you should offer shelter.  If people
are a little bit careful, they can go off on their own, and have a lot
of fun.

> I know Debian people like to wander and observe what happens outside
> of the conference, and I cannot imagine asking the people to never
> wander away on their own.

We wouldn't need to do that.

We just need to remind people to be aware that they are in a country
with a lot of crime. They'll almost certainly be fine, anywhere in the


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272
Debconf-team mailing list

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