Hi all,

On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 10:00:22PM +0100, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> Dear all,
> in order to have a more specific idea of actual commitments, we would
> like to do a somewhat formal headcount of the infrastructure team.
> Please reply to this email, on-list or off-list, with the following.
> If off-list, please CC stefa...@debian.org :
> * Your home time zone


> * What you would be willing to work on

Video, mostly.

> * When you would be willing and able to start working

Not sure. Depends heavily on other factors (video work at FOSDEM, for one)

> * Likely changes in your availability

We're getting close to the final stages of FOSDEM organisation. I
probably won't have much time to deal with Debconf until that's over.

> * If you are planning to do on-site during DebConf work only/mainly

Not sure yet.

I've been asked (in private) to take the lead for the video team, since
both Holger and Carsten seem to have decided to step down. I won't make
a decision on that until FOSDEM has come and gone.

It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26
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