Hi martin (2014.12.05_12:06:38_+0200)
>   10 — turn Django into a multi-conference platform so that it can
>   serve debconfX.debconf.org/conf for multiple years, but ideally so
>   that we can make changes to the schema for DC16 without having to
>   touch DC15. Bonus points for a staging site that would allow us
>   to test out changes easily. See also prio 4 below.

What has worked quite successfully for pycon.za is to use
django-medusa [0] to render the conference site down to static HTML,
after the conference has wound up. It took a little bit of effort to
modify our conference management system (wafer [1]) to support this, but
not that much.

[0]: https://github.com/mtigas/django-medusa
[1]: https://github.com/CTPUG/wafer

This means you can only need to have one year's conference served from
Django, at a time, so you don't have to maintain ancient conferences
forever, and can move ahead with backwards-incompatible changes.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272
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