On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Richard Hartmann
<richih.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 12:52 AM, Brian Gupta <brian.gu...@brandorr.com> 
> wrote:
>> The way I look at it, raffles are just a way to do higher value swag,
>> that sponsors can't really justify giving to all attendees.
> So you agree/disagree/don't care if they are given away in the morning
> (for some value of...) and require physical attendance during the
> actual raffle?

I think it's an extension of what we have done in the past and have no
objections. I'm
curious to see how the experiment goes.

I'm not sure I understand the first part of your question though? "for
some value of..."

As for the second, I don't have a strong feeling about requiring
attendance, especially
if the raffle isn't directly opposite any talks, and it isn't at a
hugely inconvenient time.
IE: I personally would defer this decision to the folks running the
raffle, if it makes it
easier to require attendance, I think it's fine. If they want to open
all attendees, that's
probably ok as well.


> Richard
> --
> Richard
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