On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 07:04:26AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> [2014-08-02 23:19 +0200]:
> > Do we (and I guess in particular, the talks team) believe that
> > these capacities will meet our needs?  If not, please let me know
> > what you believe we should do.

> They appear very small. If the bid guidelines are anything to go by,
> then they are too small.

Could you provide a reference for this?  I don't remember any bid guidelines
specifying the target room capacities. 
https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriorityList says nothing about it, nor does

> > Possible reconfigurations might include adding a third talk room
> > on the second floor at a "medium space" rate (probably room 298 if
> > it's available, with a capacity of ~70), then either combining 327
> > and 328 as a single talk room with capacity of ~150 and keeping
> > 329 with capacity of 40, or combining 329 and 329 for a capacity
> > of ~70 and keeping 327 with capacity of 84.

> Only the talks team can really answer this. I would go for the first
> option and then make sure to always have one "popular" talk during
> each time slot in that room. Seeing how the talks team scheduled
> e.g. dc15, dgit and derivatives all at the same time, it seems their
> focus was more on breadth, so maybe having three equal rooms would
> be better.

> > Either of these configurations would be a net addition of one
> > "large room". According to the latest confirmation from PSU, this
> > would in fact still keep us within the overall budget for the
> > venue.

> Int hat case, I would secure the additional room now and then we can
> worry about which rooms to combine later.

We need to worry about it now because I need to give direction in advance to
the facilities people.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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