also sprach Steve Langasek <> [2014-08-02 23:19 +0200]:
> Do we (and I guess in particular, the talks team) believe that
> these capacities will meet our needs?  If not, please let me know
> what you believe we should do.

They appear very small. If the bid guidelines are anything to go by,
then they are too small.

> Possible reconfigurations might include adding a third talk room
> on the second floor at a "medium space" rate (probably room 298 if
> it's available, with a capacity of ~70), then either combining 327
> and 328 as a single talk room with capacity of ~150 and keeping
> 329 with capacity of 40, or combining 329 and 329 for a capacity
> of ~70 and keeping 327 with capacity of 84.

Only the talks team can really answer this. I would go for the first
option and then make sure to always have one "popular" talk during
each time slot in that room. Seeing how the talks team scheduled
e.g. dc15, dgit and derivatives all at the same time, it seems their
focus was more on breadth, so maybe having three equal rooms would
be better.

> Either of these configurations would be a net addition of one
> "large room". According to the latest confirmation from PSU, this
> would in fact still keep us within the overall budget for the
> venue.

Int hat case, I would secure the additional room now and then we can
worry about which rooms to combine later.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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