Brian Gupta <> writes:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Steve Langasek <> wrote:
>> Hi Gerald,
>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:08:22AM -0700, Gerald Turner wrote:
>>> Richard Hartmann <> writes:
>>> > On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Benjamin Kerensa <> 
>>> > wrote:
>>> >> I would say that there are lots of policies and rules that
>>> >> Debconf attendees need to comply with to travel to the U.S. that
>>> >> they may not agree with. I'm certain their policy is just along
>>> >> the lines of covering them for any possible liability and about
>>> >> appropriate conduct.
>>> >
>>> > WIthout wanting to bikeshed, wouldn't the pragmatic approach be to
>>> > request a copy and go through it instead of making largely
>>> > baseless assumptions?
>>> Here is Puppet Labs Code of Conduct:
>>> Yesterday I got a reply from Puppet Labs, looks like they'll accept
>>> an export of our summit data rather than have us use Eventbrite, and
>>> also looks like they agree that our CoC and their CoC are in
>>> alignment ("For the most part, I feel they are in sync").
>> One thing I'm concerned about is whether attendees are going to be
>> upset about disclosing their personal information to Puppet Labs in
>> this way.  Of course it's preferable over having to share it with an
>> external third party (event brite), but in that case at least the
>> people choosing to attend the C&W party are in control of what data
>> is shared.  What is the overall thinking here about the data we'll
>> export?
>> AIUI, PuppetLabs wants name and email for the people attending (they
>> also want physical address, but we explained this wasn't available
>> and they were ok with it).  Should we try to insist on only giving
>> them names, since they have no reason to contact people by email
>> afterwards?  They mostly just want a headcount, right?
> I personally feel that in this case, that giving the names people
> registered with may be ok, since without email addresses, it's not
> really that "exploitable", nor is it unreasonable to have a list of
> names at the door, to manage headcount. IE: The request makes sense.
> I would say that we should perhaps see if we can negotiate some method
> for a few late adds, in the event someone's plans change, and want to
> attend. (Unless it's a capacity issue.) (We'll still tell people it's
> mandatory to RSVP).
> That said, without further explanation as to why they want/need email
> addresses, I don't think we should share them. (I can't think of an
> obvious reason that they'd want them, that I'd find agreeable, but I
> may be missing something.)
>> Strawman:
>>  - add a C&W party sign-up checkbox to the website
>>  - include a disclaimer letting people know their name and email will
>>    be shared with PuppetLabs as the event host
>>  - include a pointer to the CoC
>>  - send out a mail to debconf-announce the week of the conference (no
>>    earlier!) with sign-up instructions and a stated deadline
>> Is this in line with what other people are expecting here?

Update (good news):

We decided¹ to go with Steve's Strawman idea.

Puppet Labs will accept names-only (no email addresses).

However Puppet Labs needs the export two business days before the event
which would be Thursday August 21st.


Gerald Turner <>        Encrypted mail preferred!
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