The next local meeting is July 1 @ 6:30pm at Lucky Lab SE; the next IRC
meeting is July 15 @ 19:00 UTC.

Actions assigned in today's meeting:

 * gwolf+rmayorga will go through our regular events and submit them :)
 * Patty to reach out interesed sponsors to make sure they submit talks.
 * gturner to submit Cheese & Wine event for Talk
 * nattie to submit for lightning talks and live demo session
 * CarlFK to coordinate with kees on hardware needs
 * madduck and vorlon to follow up re: bookkeeping

Decisions taken:

 * DebConf schedule will be structured per vorlon's original proposal
 * deadline for reconfirmation now set to July 21, vorlon to have
   reconfirmation on-line by June 29 (vorlon, 19:31:36)

The complete minutes are available at

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                                     

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