Thanks to everyone who made it to the IRC meeting today.

The next local meeting is April 24 @ 6:30pm at PSU FAB room 130; the next
IRC meeting is May 13 @ 18:30 UTC.  As a reminder (since someone asked the
question on IRC today), the meeting schedule is available as an ical feed

Actions agreed in today's meeting:

 * gwolf to confirm with Gaby what the deadline is for the tshirt design
   (possibly beginning of June)
 * harmoney to find out if Matto will do the bag/tshirt designs for us, and
   let the team know if he can't
 * harmoney to ask moray about bootstrapping the bursaries team
 * zobel to talk to sgran and Tollef about alioth OAuth2 fixes to get
   firstname/lastname passed
 * kees to work out what fields to bring over from to and what not,
   and post to the list for discussion
 * kees and zobel to follow up on the question of needed network gear

The complete minutes are available at

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                                     

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