"Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)" <f...@funlabs.org> writes:

> On Friday night or Saturday, I will send the initial instructions
> about what we have to do and what is our common rules.

Which process do you intend to use? I much prefered the process we used
last year to the penta based rating the previous year. I don't know if
summit has any facility to help with the process at all.

Last year there was also an idea to do condorcet voting on the requests
which sounded like a nice idea. The idea is that every member of the
team assembles a (partial) ordering of the requests and we run that
through condorcet to get the list of sponsored people.

We did not do that in the end, because the total amount of available
money was bigger than the amount of sponsorship requested. So we only
sorted out unreasonable request.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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