On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:46:51PM +0100, raph...@walther.im wrote:
> Here are my  comments and questions following updating the budget and
> reading the contracts.

> Mainly my comments are about this file:
> debconf-team/dc14/contracts/PSU/2014-02-01-Signed-DC14-Accomodation-Contract.pdf

> Rooms section:

> 1) Can you reduce quantity of room booked for Broadway Double current
> quantity 60 by 10? The new quantity would be 50.

> This based on DebConf13 sponsored people statitics (130 sponsored
> people minus people who were sponsored and didn't came). We will then have
> 50 rooms + 10 other rooms for sponsored attendees which means 100+20=120
> maximum sponsored attendees.

I have already answered Philipp on IRC about this.  The contract is a
committment for the stated number of rooms at the stated rate in connection
with the conference; it is not a committment for that number of *sponsored*
rooms.  Non-sponsored attendees staying in the dorms will be counted against
this committment.

> Catering/Meals section:
> 2) Wrong dates for the months. It is written several time 9/23-9/30 and
> 9/31.  Please correct and make sure PSU and caterer know correct dates.

The dates at the top of the contract take precedence.  They do know the
correct dates, and we will be coordinating directly with the caterers closer
to the conference so there will be no confusion.

> 3) Dinner on arrival day August 22, 2014 is missing.
> As I expect most people comming on arrival day, please arrange something.

This is inconsistent with your proposed replacement budget, which shows the
total number of DebConf days reduced by one.  Your budget also includes no
analysis of the expected per-day attendees, which in past years has shown a
truncated normal distribution.

PSU's statement to us is that there is no problem extending the number of
attendees staying on site, or expanding the number of meals or the number of
people eating those meals; we can discuss this with them closer to the
conference date when we have solid numbers.  The primary function of the
contract is to secure the venue for us, and provide a good-faith deposit so
that the university can proceed to work with us, with confidence that we
aren't going to flake out after they've made a committment to us on their

> 4) No food for setup team. There will be not food from 20 August to 22
> August Dinner for the setup team.  Is it really what we want?

Idem.  Note however that the student cafeteria will not run for this small
number of people.  We've been told there will be another event on campus
this week with enough people that they will open the cafeteria, but we will
need to confirm this with catering closer to the date.  It's possible that
we will need to provide meals for the setup team through means other than
the university cafeteria.

> 5) There is an error in the contract on the line 9/23-9/30 it is 8 days
> and not 9 days as billed in the contract.

Thanks for pointing this out.  For purposes of deposit calculation this is
negligible, but of course when it comes to paying the full contract we will
need to make sure we are paying the correct amount.

> 6) On August 31, we think that only a breakfast is enough as most of the
> people will be leaving except the tear down team.

I have no opinion on this.  If that's the team's consensus, we should
certainly be able to make this change with the university.

I would suggest creating a wiki page to begin recording more precisely our
plans for catering, so that we have it all in one (shared) place when the
time comes to discuss with the university.

> 7) Can you confirm price for food are per room and not per person? 21$ a
> day for full board for two looks really cheap to me.  It means that one
> person will eat for 10.50$ a day for three meals.

These prices are per-person, not per-room.  Since these numbers are once
again for estimation purposes, and factor into the overall deposit that we
paid up front, it benefits us to have an underestimate in the contract. 
There is no capacity problem in the cafeteria, we don't have to worry about
them being unwilling to feed everyone if more people show up; and we know
that not everyone will eat all the provided meals, including sponsored
attendees, and particularly when DebConf is held within a city with lots of
other food options around, so it's good to low-ball the number at this point
in the process.

> 8) If we decide we can afford conference dinner and/or day trip then
> appropriate measure to reduce catering must be taken on the day we are not
> at the venue.


> Additional questions:
> 9) Do you have a quote for event/liabilities insurance or a contract already?

No.  The university does not require us to carry a separate event insurance
policy.  This question has been raised by SPI as well, but it's not clear if
SPI themselves will require us to carry a policy or if the question was
asked because someone assumed the university would require it.  This point
should be taken up with SPI.

> 10) Do you guys have a sponsor for bags? If you don't do you have already a
> quote to produce these bags?

Quotes are in progress.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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