Here are my  comments and questions following updating the budget and reading
the contracts.
Mainly my comments are about this file:

Rooms section:
1) Can you reduce quantity of room booked for Broadway Double current quantity
60 by 10? The new quantity would be 50.
This based on DebConf13 sponsored people statitics (130 sponsored
people minus people who were sponsored and didn't came). We will then have
50 rooms + 10 other rooms for sponsored attendees which means 100+20=120
maximum sponsored attendees.

Catering/Meals section:
2) Wrong dates for the months. It is written several time 9/23-9/30 and 9/31.
Please correct and make sure PSU and caterer know correct dates.

3) Dinner on arrival day August 22, 2014 is missing.
As I expect most people comming on arrival day, please arrange something.

4) No food for setup team. There will be not food from 20 August to 22 August
Dinner for the setup team. Is it really what we want?

5) There is an error in the contract on the line 9/23-9/30 it is 8 days and not
9 days as billed in the contract.

6) On August 31, we think that only a breakfast is enough as most of the people
will be leaving except the tear down team.

7) Can you confirm price for food are per room and not per person? 21$ a day
for full board for two looks really cheap to me. It means that one person will
eat for 10.50$ a day for three meals.

8) If we decide we can afford conference dinner and/or day trip then
appropriate measure to reduce catering must be taken on the day we are not at
the venue.

Additional questions:
9) Do you have a quote for event/liabilities insurance or a contract already?

10) Do you guys have a sponsor for bags? If you don't do you have already a
quote to produce these bags?


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