Hi Philipp,

Le mardi, 9 juillet 201310.05:12, Philipp Hug a écrit :
> Is this based on an actual quote? The quote that Gunnar sent me had a
> price of MX47.50 / shirt.
> You're calculating with MX42/shirt. Did they give more discount if we
> order more Shirts?
> As shipping/VAT will increase too, I guess we can still use my total
> cost estimate of CHF7/T-Shirt which would result in: CHF 4095

That's the answer I got from the manufacturer after asking for the 
numbers in the "Moray" column on [0]:

> The total cost is $24,750.00 pesos
> 585 t-shirts, taking into account the xx size, the different texts in
> the back and changes in the front colors.


[0] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/T-shirts
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